Thursday, December 26, 2019

Analysis Of The Article The Coddling Of The American Mind

Freedom of speech is a fundamental American freedom and a human right, and there’s no place that this right should be more valued and protected than in colleges and universities. A college exists to educate and to advance a student s knowledge. Colleges do so by acting as a â€Å"marketplace of ideas† where ideas compete. It is important to be able to compare your ideas with everyone else as it helps to open your mind to other people’s views and can give you a different perception on things. In the article â€Å"The Coddling of the American Mind,† Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukiankoff talked about how too many college students engage in â€Å"catastrophizing, which is in short, the overreaction to something. They also said that â€Å"smart people do, in fact, overreact to innocuous speech, make mountains out of molehills, and seek punishment for anyone whose words make anyone else feel uncomfortable.†(Haidt) Many colleges have the belief that prohibit ing freedom of speech will resolve such issues. But instead, colleges should take a different approach on the matter by teaching students how to properly utilize their Freedom of Speech which will help to resolve future conflicts and misunderstandings. There are also many cases of verbal violence erupting due to student’s lack of properly expressing their thoughts. In many of these cases, the students are overreacting and taking things out of proportion. For example, from the article â€Å"Yale’s Halloween Advice Stokes a Racially Charged Debate†, aShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Article The Coddling Of The American Mind 1040 Words   |  5 Pagesuncomfortable content that could cause a flashback or panic attack. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Philosophical Works Of Descartes Essay - 1690 Words

Renà © Descartes 1641 Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1996. This file is of the 1911 edition of The Philosophical Works of Descartes (Cambridge University Press), translated by Elizabeth S. Haldane. Prefatory Note To The Meditations. The first edition of the Meditations was published in Latin by Michael Soly of Paris â€Å"at the Sign of the Phoenix† in 1641 cum Privilegio et Approbatione Doctorum. The Royal â€Å"privilege† was indeed given, but the â€Å"approbation† seems to have been of a most indefinite kind. The reason of the book being published in France and not in Holland, where Descartes was living in a charming country house at Endegeest near Leiden, was apparently his fear that the Dutch ministers might in some way lay hold of it. His friend, Pere Mersenne, took charge of its publication in Paris and wrote to him about any difficulties that occurred in the course of its progress through the press. The second edition was however published at Amsterdam in 1642 by Louis Elzevir, and this edition was accompanied by the now completed â€Å"Objections and Replies.†1 The edition from which the present translation is made is the second just mentioned, and is that adopted by MM. Adam and Tannery as the more correct, for reasons that they state in detail in the preface to their edition. The work was translated into French by the Duc de Luynes in 1642 and Descartes considered the translation so excellent that he had it published some years later. Clerselier, to complete matters, had theShow MoreRelated Descartes Essay1269 Words   |  6 Pages In the early 17th century a philosopher named Descartes, questioned his existence. His life was dedicated to the founding of a philosophical and mathematical system in which all sciences were logical. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Descartes was born in 1596 in Touraine, France. His education consisted of attendance to a Jesuit school of La Fleche. He studied a liberal arts program that emphasized philosophy, the humanities, science, and math. He then went on to the University of Poitiers whereRead MoreThe Philosophical View Of Empiricism1382 Words   |  6 Pages Today in society, many people are free to follow which ever philosophical view that they feel is right for them. Each philosophical view has a different set of beliefs, and many philosophers went through great lengths to prove that the philosophical view of their choice was the best one. In this paper I will be talking about two philosophical theories. The first one is called Empiricism, and it was made famous by a philosopher named David Hume. Empiricism states that our knowledge should comeRead MoreRationalism Vs Empiricism : Rationalism Versus Empiricism1385 Words   |  6 PagesDodely Dolce â€Å"Rationalism vs Empiricism† Today in society, many people are free to follow whichever philosophical view that they feel is right for them. Each philosophical view has a different set of beliefs, and many philosophers went through great lengths to prove that the philosophical view of their choice was the best one. In this paper I will be talking about two philosophical theories. The first one is called Empiricism, and it was made famous by a philosopher named David Hume. EmpiricismRead MoreDescartes Belief in God Essay1503 Words   |  7 PagesDescartes and God In his groundbreaking work, Meditations on First Philosophy, the French philosopher Rene Descartes lays the groundwork for many philosophical principles by attempting to â€Å"establish a bold and lasting knowledge† (171)1. The foundations for knowledge Descartes established would go on to influence a plethora of other philosophers and philosophical works. Descartes argues in his meditations first from the point of view of complete skepticism, using skepticism as a tool in order toRead MoreThe Philosophical Issue Of Knowledge1237 Words   |  5 Pagesthis project, the philosophical issue is how do we acquire knowledge? Acquisition of knowledge is a culture that is very important in the day to day life of each individual. The world itself revolves around knowledge, it is through knowledge that we can get to grow as human beings either in or academics, careers and in life at general. Epistemology has been well explained by the well re-known philosophers such as David Hume and R ene Descartes. This paper focuses on a philosophical issue: how we acquireRead More Weaknesses of Descartes Arguments Essays1641 Words   |  7 PagesDescartes was incorrect and made mistakes in his philosophical analysis concerning understanding the Soul and the foundation of knowledge.   Yes, he coined the famous phrase, â€Å"I think therefore I am,† but the rest of his philosophical conclusions fail to be as solid (Meditation 4; 32). Descartes knew that if he has a mind and is thinking thoughts then he must be something that has the ability to think. While he did prove that he is a thinking thing that thinks (Meditation 3; 28), he was unable toRead MoreDescartes: Proofs of God/Deception and Error Essay1093 Words   |  5 PagesDescartes: Proofs of God/Deception and Error Instructions: First: Analyze and evaluate the two proofs of Gods existence. How are they different? Is one more convincing than the other? Why did Descartes think he needed two proofs? Do they do different work for him? And secondly: Does Descartes give a satisfactory account of human error, given a perfect and divine creator? Are Descartes arguments convincing, or does it still seem unnecessary and less than perfect that God created us withRead MoreDescartes Notion Of Why We Exist935 Words   |  4 Pagescoincide this with Rene Descartes’ notion of why we exist. It is fascinating to examine the process by which Descartes took to completely dismantle everything he knows in his pursuit towards explaining different truths throughout the world. I think Descartes came to the realization that he was perceiving things incorrectly in his life which disappointed him. Descartes understands this because he is basing all of his incoming information about the world through his senses. Descartes is puzzled by hisRead MoreMontaigne and Descartes on Doubting1571 Words   |  7 PagesMontaigne and Descartes Montaigne and Descartes both made use of a philosophical method that focused on the use of doubt to make discoveries about themselves and the world around them. However, they doubted different things. Descartes doubted all his previous knowledge from his senses, while Montaigne doubted that there were any absolute certainties in knowledge. Although they both began their philosophical processes by doubting, Montaigne doubting a constant static self, and Descartes doubted thatRead MoreMeditations on First Philosophy Essay examples1290 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Cogito ergo sum;† I think therefore I am. This philosophical statement stimulated a renaissance in the field of philosophy, creating modern Western philosophy as is known today. This important notion was dictated by Rene Descartes in his 1641 metaphysics work, Mediations on First Philosophy, and influenced all modern philosophical works written after Descartes revolutionary achievement. This work was written at a tim e when modern physics was being developed as a mathematization of nature. The principles

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Electronics Lands Management System-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Case of AlAin Municipality. Answer: The report details about the case of AlAin Municipality (AAM) which released the plan of the ELMS management system for the process of automation of the lands and the properties. It also worked on the manual processing as well as the electronic processing. The electronic system has been effective for the customer satisfaction where there is easy processing of the transactions as well. (Iyengar et al, 2015). The concept of management information system is based on providing the right kind of information that is required to manage the company in an effective manner. With this, the AAM will also be able to work on the easy scanning of the customer documents which will decrease the time of checking the customer files. The electronic approval authority also tends to reduce the customer time with the ability to track the flow of work for the approval. The standards are set to record the information of the customer, electronically. (Laudon Laudon, 2016). MIS will be able to work on handling the information sharing by easy authorization and e-archiving to file the documents as well. The reduced usage of paper with the reduced number of staff will be helpful for the outsourcing company as well. The AAM with MIS has been able to work over the reengineering of the services with revaluation of the staff and KPI which depends on the transactions that proceeds depending upon the reports and statistics. The system of MIS can be utilized to change the data into information used for the decision making (Wu et al, 2015). The system (ELMs) provides an extra element of safety in the system. As per the analysis, there are reduced complaints of the customer, where the manager works on the evaluation of the performance. The organisation need to work over the training of the employees with updating all the data in the documents, with reduced staff. Here, the updates are depending upon the documents which depend on the information of the customer. The documents are mainly related to the ownership of the land and so there is a need of a proper approval. This will help in easily updating and keeping a proper record of the people in the computer with improved accuracy as well. The project also has a possibility to allow the MIS systems to check the errors before they are allowed at the customer level. (Al-Mamary et al, 2013). The disadvantages are related to the update of the information where the customer is immigrated to the previous database where the information could be wrong in the previous case. Hence, there is a possibility of the duplicity of the data as well. Hence, there is a delay in the system upgrade which leads to the change in the rules and the regulations as well, where the inflexibility in the system could lead to the different complications and the errors. There are delay responding to the errors as well. In addition to teaching one must learn the system work process as per the needs (Al-Mamary et al, 2013). MIS is highly distinct from the normal information system and used to evaluate other IS that are applied in various operational level function in the company. MIS is actually a more planned system of different collection, storage, processing as well as dissemination of data in the kind of information which is required to carry the management operations (Stair Reynolds, 2013). ELMS can work over the low ability using technology for the employees and work over the improvement of the system structure as well. To gain success in long run, the MIS system which is designed for companies, management and other technical factors. For ELMS, there is a possibility to work on creating the team with updating the customer files. This will help in improving the accuracy of the system as well. Along with this, there is a need to work on properly educating the employees and helping them to learn on the system. The study must motivate the company to be part of increasing the MIS and make an effective contribution in the system level design (Chang Lin, 2015). To get an ideal flow of data which is right for MIS is highly in demand right now. Therefore, it is crucial to have a clarity on MIS which is followed in a company at every level of management to take right decisions. A MIS also collects as well as process information and helps in providing the assistance in decision making, execution, planning and control (Chang Lin, 2015). References Al-Mamary, Y. H., Shamsuddin, A., Abdul Hamid, N. A. (2013). The impact of management information systems adoption in managerial decision making: A review.Management Information Systems,8(4), 010-017. Iyengar, K., Sweeney, J. R., Montealegre, R. (2015). Information technology use as a learning mechanism: The impact of IT use on knowledge transfer effectiveness, absorptive capacity, and franchisee performance.Mis Quarterly,39(3). Laudon, K. C., Laudon, J. P. (2016).Management information system. Pearson Education India. Stair, R., Reynolds, G. (2013).Principles of information systems. Cengage Learning. Chang, C. L. H., Lin, T. C. (2015). The role of organizational culture in the knowledge management process.Journal of Knowledge management,19(3), 433-455. Wu, S. P. J., Straub, D. W., Liang, T. P. (2015). How information technology governance mechanisms and strategic alignment influence organizational performance: Insights from a matched survey of business and it managers.Mis Quarterly,39(2), 497-518.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Janeen Saylor Essays (779 words) - Religion, Christian Theology

Janeen Saylor BIBL 104-07: New Testament Studies Professor Sara Wells Regent University September 15, 2016 Impact In this paper I will give my opinion on how "An Overview of the Resurrection Debate by H.S. Horton-Parker" impacted me on an individual Christian standpoint. As well as "The Transforming Reality of the Bodily Resurrection by N.T. Wright and M. Borg." How the Christian idea of "Salvation history" has changed, and how I would communicate this on a larger scale in my preaching and daily endeavors. I have to say that after reading the paper from "H.S. Horton-Parker" I was very angry with the "Fraud Theory, Swoon Theory." First off Ancient History whether it be Archeological or Scholarly, no one person has been able to dispute the things in the bible were untrue, in fact they have proven it to be truthful. The fact that the "fraud theory" states Jesus' body had been stolen by his disciples is impossible. The Sadducees took every precaution by having the Romans put a guard at the tomb along wit h putting a seal upon the tomb. (Matthew 27:62-66) It was guarded until three days after the LORD died. The soldiers that stood guard were confronted by an angel and watched it roll the stone away. (Matthew 28:1-4) Those who fail to believe the LORD actually died in the "swoon theory" and felt he was given CPR to wake him made me laugh yet this too gave rise to some degree of anger. There is no way Jesus could have been revived by humans as he had bled to death and to prove he was gone, they took spears and pierced his sides. (John 19:33-34) The most infuriating part of all the letter from Horner-Parker was the idea that "Jesus was killed , and put in a shallow grave and eaten by dogs, and his resurrection was just a symbolic literacy expression." The fact that the soldiers had seen he was dead and jabbed him and the Sadducees got a seal placed on the tomb shows how ridiculous the idea was that Jesus was eaten by dogs. I can see if a person was a non-believer and was told these theories and believed these lies they could feel the rest of the bible was a lie. But personally reading these theories has just enhanced my faith in the LORD Jesus Christ and that he suffered for me and was willing to give of Himself to save a sinner like me and give me eternal life through his blood and suffering. How has Salvation History changed? This corresponds with N.T. Wrights explanation of "what Easter means." I feel the history of salvation has not changed much from the Old Testament to today. We all as then believe in the salvation God has provided. There has always been the fear of God, faith, hope, and desire to live eternally with our father through the messiah he promised to deliver to us. The Christians from the Old Testament that believed in the coming messiah were sent to a place near hell. Upon the Lords descent into hell , which had to happen , as he had to die a mortal life. During his time in hell, Jesus preached to the righteous and offered what the cross gives us today. How would I incorporate this into the community on a larger scale? Well by doing the best I can at living a Godly life. I cannot how ever be as Jesus was, because I am a sinner. I already converse with my team/co-workers about Christianity, and salvation as we are all saved that work together, (which is wonderful) I always try to bring God into my conversations with, family, friends, and others. It may be what he has done for me in a time of need, how beautiful the day is, being thankful for the rain or snow, and beauty of changin g seasons, or listening to their problems and offering prayer. I have given my testimony as to how I became a Christian, and also Provided Spiritual Services such as premarital counseling, preforming a wedding, or a funeral service. I have also volunteered to give communion to those shut in their